More about our contemporary artist
2007-08 Film&video cutting &camera, script, Finalcut, Premiere at EDA, Palma de Mallorca
1998-2001 Contemporary procedures of images and multimedia. Escola Massana (Barcelona)
1995-2000 Grade in Fine Arts . State academy of fine arts Stuttgart (Germany)
1993-1996 Diploma: Stonemasonry and stone sculpture, Stuttgart (Germany)
Art Awards
2016 Shortlisted for the Bryan Robertson Award
2011 Operare 2011 Prize ( production grant in Berlin, Germany) with “Hybrida”
2010 Nominated for “Escena”- best scenery with “Subtalk”, Palma de Mallorca.Spain
2008 First prize in art competition “Rei en Jaume”. Calvià (Mallorca)
2006 Nominated at the art competition Conxemar (Vigo)